PHP is one of the most commonly used object-oriented programming languages. It’s extremely popular because it is free software, which you can use to build interactive sites like social networking sites, web shops or e-learning sites as opposed to static HTML-based sites. A PHP module must be enabled on the web server where a PHP-powered website is hosted so that its code can be ‘decrypted’. Because there are no license charges for this type of module and the language provides incalculable options for the web-based apps that you build, there are hundreds of millions of PHP websites. Plus, there are a lot of open-source PHP scripts, which you can use for your sites without having to possess any programming abilities. As there are a few PHP versions, you must verify that the same version that you used whilst creating your site is present on the web server too.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Shared Website Hosting

Our shared website hosting servers support different versions of PHP, which suggests that your sites will work faultlessly no matter if your PHP scripts are outdated. We know that an old website does not always mean a vulnerable one as you may have implemented lots of source code mods. That is why we support PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 and you can pick which version will be enabled for your shared hosting account. The version can be changed with only one click through your Hepsia hosting Control Panel and the new settings will be applied immediately. In case you want to run both older and newer scripts, there’s even a possibility to use a different version of PHP for each of your domain names simultaneously.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Semi-dedicated Servers

Even in case your sites were built with an earlier PHP version, you’ll be able to host them in a semi-dedicated server account from us, since we support different versions running at the same time on our semi-dedicated servers and each one of them can be activated for your account with just a click of the mouse through our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel. Other than the most recent PHP 8, we also offer 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 and the older PHP 4, which has already been dropped by the great majority of web hosting providers, but we feel that you should not be forced to modify a website that took years to build, since older scripting language syntax does not inevitably mean security gaps. On the contrary, a rightly maintained website using PHP 4 can be more secure than a wrongly maintained one using PHP 5. For the sake of your convenience, we’ll also give you the possibility to specify a different version for each single website within the account.