.INTERNATIONAL Domain Name Registration
The most popular domain name extension, available for $9.99/year
TLD | 1 Year | 2 years | 3 years | 4 years | 5 years | 6 years | 7 years | 8 years | 9 years | 10 years |
Sole .INTERNATIONAL registration | $9.99 $26.99 | $36.98 $53.98 | $63.97 $80.97 | $90.96 $107.96 | $117.95 $134.95 | $144.94 $161.94 | $171.93 $188.93 | $198.92 $215.92 | $225.91 $242.91 | $252.90 $269.90 |
TLD Details
TLD | Registrar-Lock | Transfers | Edit WHOIS | ID Protect | Registration Period |
.INTERNATIONAL | yes | yes (EPP) | yes | yes | 1-10 years |
.INTERNATIONAL Domain Names Registration
Finding the perfect domain name can be challenging - by now there are millions of .COM domain name already registered. And you need your domain name to sound appealing, to make sure that site visitors can remember it if they visit it just once. Additionally, you need it to convey the nature of your web sites from just a single look. When you use a .INTERNATIONAL domain name you'll be able to achieve all of that. The .INTERNATIONAL domain extension was introduced for public registration not long ago, so you will discover tons of eye-catching domain names to select from. Furthermore, it's more catchy and you could make clever combos that can be quickly remembered by your site visitors.
With HR STORE you could buy a .INTERNATIONAL domain name for only $9.99 per year.
With HR STORE's Web Hosting Control Panel-incorporated Domain Manager, you can not only register .INTERNATIONAL domain names at budget-friendly rates, but it is also possible to control them all with your sites (when you have any) and never have to log in to a different Control Panel. The DNS controls and the WHOIS data related to your .INTERNATIONAL domain names are completely under your control, and so are various other essential controls. You can lock all your domain names with a few clicks of the mouse and unlock them just as easily - if you choose to change registrars later on.
Save effort and time with HR STORE's all-in-one domain name and website management solutions!